Monique Thibault

Sunday 28 April 2024
3.00pm - 4.15pm @ Habitus Yoga
1 Purton Road, Pakenham VIC 3810

Allow Monique from MO’R Alchemy to take you on a sound journey like no other.

Using sound to facilitate a state of deep relaxation and rest, each sound journey is a unique, intuitively guided alchemy of sound ranging from the deeply trance inducing frame drum, ethereal cyrstal bowls, Tibetan bowls, gongs, tongue drum, koshie chimes, the mesmerising handpan, the cleansing ocean drum and more.

Each session is unique and follows the flow of what the group needs, opening the door to rest, relaxation and release.

Investment $44 per person, $35 for Habitus Members
Bookings essential. Book early to avoid missing out. Tickets are non-refundable.

with Samantha Taylor & Nadira de Silva

Friday 3 May 2024
7.00pm - 8.30pm @ Habitus Yoga
1 Purton Road, Pakenham VIC 3810

Autumn is a season of surrender and release. It is an invitation to let go of all that is no longer needed as we head towards the stillness and natural introspection of winter. As we commence the final month of this beautiful transitional season our own attention starts to turn within.

Join Samantha Taylor of Habitus Yoga & Elementary and Nadira de Silva of Anantaya Yoga & Wellness as they invite you to surrender and let go through a gentle and healing restorative yoga and reiki practice. Samantha and Nadira are both yoga teachers and reiki masters. In this 90 minute experience they will guide you though a restorative yoga practice and will deliver reiki healing both to the group as a collective, and hands on to each individual.

Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique utilising universal energy to promote a deep state of relaxation. Restorative yoga aims to nourish and support the nervous system using gentle, long held yoga poses, supported by props for maximum rest and relaxation. When combined, each modality works in harmony to immerse you in a state of deep rest and relaxation.

Allow yourself to surrender, let go and feel nourished and restored by candlelight, while cultivating a state of deep physical and emotional relaxation. In an age where we are encouraged to do, allowing yourself to surrender and be is the ultimate gift.

Investment $55 per person or $50 for Habitus Members

Bookings are essential. Limited places available. Tickets are non-refundable.

SOUNDSCAPE Healing Journey
with Dan Byrne

Friday 17 May, 2024
7pm - 8.30pm @ Habitus Yoga
1 Purton Road, Pakenham VIC 3810

Join the incredible Dan Byrne from Cymatic Harmony and experience a transformative sound healing journey with live looping of a variety of ambient, shamanic and ethereal instruments. Immerse yourself in an enchanting sonic landscape that soothes the soul and ignites inner harmony. Bookings essential. No prior experience required to participate.

Investment: $55 per person
Note: Tickets are non-refundable.

with Rachel Ramsland

Friday 31 May 2024
6.30pm - 8.30pm @ Habitus Yoga
1 Purton Road, Pakenham VIC 3810

On this final day of May and final day of autumn, join Rachel Ramsland to rest and reflect.

 A yin immersion facilitating deeply rest, re-calibration and an opportunity to re-set. Be gently guided through a long, nourishing yin practice with an emphasis on leaning into stillness, mindfulness and surrender, finishing with a restorative meditation. This immersion into rest and self-inquiry is a retreat from the busyness and activity of modern life, that will leave you feeling refreshed and restored, moving back into the world, and into Winter, with more energy and intention.

Investment $55 per person or $44 for Habitus Members

Bookings are essential. Limited places available. Tickets are non-refundable.